all my seasoning gone

A Guy Who Lost The Seasoning On His Cast Iron Skillet, And More Of This Week's 'One Main Character'

A Guy Who Lost The Seasoning On His Cast Iron Skillet, And More Of This Week's 'One Main Character'
This week, a writer's story on caffeine addiction gets grounded, a man loses his hard-earned cast iron seasoning and another boomer bigoted musician has a terrible take.
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Every day somebody says or does something that earns them the scorn of the internet. Here at Digg, as part of our mission to curate what the internet is talking about right now, we rounded up the main characters on Twitter from this past week and held them accountable for their actions.

Here is some warm-up discourse for you, before diving in:


Paul Stanley

The character: Paul Stanley, member of KISS, confused boomer weirdo, transphobe

The plot: Dee Snider and Paul Stanley are among the two most recent old men, who used to be in rock bands you liked, to come out as transphobes. This extremely tired, horrible take is shared commonly by boomers who cannot imagine a world in which there are more than two genders, and many people simply want to transition. It's a bad look, dangerous, and I don't like it one bit.

Stanley shared a note with a veiled message criticizing people's rights to choose pronouns and their freedom of gender expression, and called it "a sad and dangerous fad."

The repercussion: So of course he gets ripped to shreds. Naturally, when you put out a weird statement no one asked for, as you’re promoting your reunion tour, people are going to respond. And share photos of you to prove a point. Shut up Paul, you dolt!

Adwait Patil


John McDermott

The character: John McDermott, writer, terrible framer of questions

The plot: There are very few people like John McDermott left on the internet: real, sentient beings who function like they're being instructed by terrible AI prompts. McDermott, who lives in LA, writes for a living, doesn't shut up and has opinions on everything, etc-etc, recently blogged about caffeine addiction and how there's a group of people saying that it should be regulated.

I had to check the calender to see if we were going back in time — we aren't — and to see if this was an actual blog published on Esquire (Substack would've been fine) — and yes, it exists.

The repercussion: Being terminally online will either battle-harden you and make you indestructible, or you become the joke — it all depends on how much time people have and how insufferable you are. Turns out people love caffeine and no one really wanted to hang in McDermott's corner.

Adwait Patil


Alex Miller

The character: Alex Miller, cast iron skillet owner, household help hirer

The plot: People who choose to cook with cast iron pans instead of stainless steel ones like the rest of us are very precious about them. Specifically, they stress that you're not supposed to wash them like you do other pans; rather, you give them a scrub or a wipe, and let the stuff you've cooked in the pan "season" it. (What happened to just seasoning the food?)

One cast iron skillet owner took to Twitter last week to complain about his cleaner having washed his pan, ridding it of seasoning that he says took a year to accumulate. Listen: I'm sure that's annoying, if you care about those things, but it's not the end of the world — and tweeting about the hired help who was technically just doing their job feels gross.

The repercussion: While his replies are largely sympathetic, the quote tweets are a different story.

Darcy Jimenez


Read the previous edition of our One Main Character column, which included a guy who needs his Tweets copy-edited, a billionaire CEO who's angry at people making fun of him, a popular film director who thinks AI will make good movies and another paid Twitter subscriber who thinks actual celebs pay for engagement.

Did we miss a main character from this week? Please send tips to [email protected].


  1. Gigi Wolf 11 months ago

    Paul Stanley was an adult dressing up, not undergoing gender reassignment as a child. Get a grip. Gonna stop reading this for good if any more "old people are stupid and hateful" opinions pop up.

    You are being both.

  2. Michael Messmann 1 year ago

    Anybody that has followed Dee Snider for the last 40 yr is stretching to say he's a transphobe or against someone being themself. .

  3. Tim McCarthy 1 year ago

    A few thoughts:
    1. Stainless steel sucks compared to cast iron. Seasoned cast iron is basically non-stick, which is nice.
    2. I'd be mildly annoyed if someone put my pan in the dishwasher too.
    3. But it's not that big of a deal. @manthatcooks has the correct take. It'll take another 20 minutes or so to get a coat on that pan.
    4. Don't leave your cast iron out and dirty for the housekeeper. Clean that sh** yourself.

  4. Edward Sung 1 year ago

    Manthatcooks is correct. People build this crazy mystique around cast iron pans but they’re very easy to season.

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