This Reddit Thread About Everyone's Favorite Movies That Nobody Seems To Talk About Will Open Your Eyes To Some Underrated Classics

This Reddit Thread About Everyone's Favorite Movies That Nobody Seems To Talk About Will Open Your Eyes To Some Underrated Classics
A viral Reddit thread chronicled some of the best movies that haven't yet been discovered by the general public.
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Do you sometimes feel like nobody has seen your favorite movie? It can often feel like you're part of an exclusive club.

A viral Reddit post asked folks about some of their most beloved but lesser-known films, and dozens of Redditors enthusiastically volunteered many underrated flicks that didn't get the love they deserved from the masses.

Here are a few of our favorite responses.

Thank You For Smoking

The Adventures of Baron Munchausen

*batteries not included


Inside Man

Hunt For The Wilderpeople

Murder By Death

About Time

Grosse Point Blank



  1. Dotcommie 2 years ago

    I may have just been feeling things that weren't there when I watched them, but I think these 2 movies were amazing and abstract enough to fully engage my mind and senses, yet they had great feels and lessons about life I think.

    Cashback (2006)
    Frequencies (2013)

  2. George Goodroe 2 years ago

    Gross Point Blank...fantastic movie!

    1. Chaoshuasaurus Rex 2 years ago

      100%. Right up there with Heat for me. 10/10

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