This Twitter Thread Of Facts That Sound Like Sh*tposts, But Are Completely True, Will Make You The Most Interesting Person At The Party

This Twitter Thread Of Facts That Sound Like Sh*tposts, But Are Completely True, Will Make You The Most Interesting Person At The Party
Eric Michael Garcia's tweet asking for facts that seem too bizarre, funny or impossible to be true garnered a ton of very entertaining responses. Here are some of the best ones.
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You know how there are some facts that just seem too bizarre, impossible or just kinda dumb to be true?

On Sunday, [Eric Michael Garcia] tweeted the following, asking for facts of that very nature:

Some of the replies to Garcia's tweet are apocryphal, and some may be wishful thinking — but many of them are both true and amazingly absurd. Here are some of the best true (or true-ish) ones from the thread.

Pineapple facts:

Upsetting information about ancient Egypt:

We could have lived among the hippos:


Seems like there should be more gold:

The real number of Olympic pools that could contain gold is actually probably closer to 3.5, per Nevada Mining Resources, though an answer on Quora that cites information from the World Gold Council puts it closer to 4. Either way, it still seems like there should be more gold.

What a way to go down in history:

Casually turning off Niagara Falls:

This is true-ish: it's not a matter of flipping a switch, though, and the amount of control we have over the falls isn't total. Here's a piece from Slate on how engineers "turned off" the falls in 1969.

They need to swap names:

Numan was born on March 8, 1958; Oldman was born on March 21, 1958.

Jack Black's mom is more iconic than Jack Black:

Just some weird facts to keep handy:

"Shrek 2" was released in May 2004, and Parks died in October 2005 — and it's also true that Mike Ilitch both founded Little Caesars and paid Rosa Parks's rent.

Does that mean they're, uh, even?

It's true.

Ahead of their time:

King shit:

And the New York Times's headline about it was "KING TRIES HOT DOG AND ASKS FOR MORE."


And true.


André the Giant was indeed among several local children Beckett drove to school.

If only:

The death date of the "last living Samurai" is in question — 1877 was certainly when Saigo Takamori died — but this hypothetical situation is nonetheless true.

But is there a place named The Batman?


  1. Chaoshuasaurus Rex 2 years ago

    Competitive art was once an olympic sport. Painting, sculpture, architecture, literature and music competitions all existed.

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