oh no...

You'll Never Guess How Generation Alpha Thinks Record Players Work

You'll Never Guess How Generation Alpha Thinks Record Players Work
What's got people even more upset are the two albums she chose.
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  1. Johnny Andreu 12 hours ago

    SHe doesn't know what a record player is because noone has taught her what a record player player is. I grew up in the 70s with multiple record players in my house but I guarantee I didn't know what one was or how to use one until someone showed me. Stop shaming kids these days for not knowing what outdated or non-ubiquitous technology is. Just teach them what it is and how to use it and enjoy that discovery with them.

  2. Eric Grove 3 days ago

    "You could just listen to that on Youtube". Does the Mom not realize that every album ever made is also on youtube? You buy records for uncompressed analogue audio. Taylor Swift will sound just as much better as the Beatles on vinyl.

  3. Jason Steele 4 days ago

    Well, she is a child who is learning so maybe instead of the parent filming her for internet cred she explains what a record is.

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