A Husband Who Wants His Wife To Pay For The 'Luxuries' Of Childbirth, And More Of This Week's 'One Main Character'

A Husband Who Wants His Wife To Pay For The 'Luxuries' Of Childbirth, And More Of This Week's 'One Main Character'
Seth Rogen feels like critics get too negative sometimes, a men's rights activist laments his dateless friend and an American politician has a bizarre take.
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Every day somebody says or does something that earns them the scorn of the internet. Here at Digg, as part of our mission to curate what the internet is talking about right now, we rounded up the main characters on Twitter from this past week and held them accountable for their actions.

This week’s characters include a a terrible husband trying to split the hospital bill — of his child's birth — with his wife, funnyman Seth Rogen who can't take criticism anymore, a MRA whose friend is dateless and a politico from Oklahoma who dreamed of becoming an astronaut.


Seth Rogen

The character: Seth Rogen, a funny man pivoting to brutal honesty

The plot: This week Rogen, an acclaimed comedic mind of the 21st century, went on a podcast called "The Diary Of A CEO," and allowed himself a moment of vulnerability. Rogen said he wished that critics' would realize that their negative reviews hurt the filmmakers. "It's devastating," he said.

The repercussion: Rogen has been a part of some iconic shows and films, and has cemented himself as Hollywood's go-to stoner dude now. While he did mention on the pod that "life goes on," probably alluding to the fact his career hasn't stalled in anyway because of the harsh criticism his work has gotten, the quote was enough fodder for the masses to dunk on him. It's not everyday you get to quote tweet and teach a stoner a lesson; they're usually the nonchalant ones.

Adwait Patil



The character: BowTiedKong, an anon men's right activist

The plot: We haven't had one of these in a while, so I'm glad BowTiedKong took the time out of his week to tweet the perfect piece of main character bait. A self-described MRA (or enthusiast as they say), BowTiedKong tweeted out the plight of a good friend who couldn't get dates despite his $300K yearly salary. "Modern women are broken," he wrote.

The repercussion: Consider it BowTiedKong's lucky week, because on any other day, an anon account with less than 1,500 followers (still, at the time of writing) would never get this much traction. But, what can we say, it's been a slow week. The format and point he was trying to make in the tweet is too easy a dunk to pass up, and that's probably why it was quote tweeted more than 7,500 times.


Adwait Patil


Kevin Hern

The character: OK01 Representative Kevin Hern, wannabe astronaut

The plot: There are confusing tweets. And there are self owns. And then there is this tweet:

Never before have we encountered such a wild ride where every single word is more bizarre than the last one. You’d never know where this was going based on the first paragraph, to the last one.

The repercussion: So the framework of the tweet got memed to death, and on top of that people dug up some dirt on Hern for being a sleazy politician with some bad policies and bad history. So enjoy the dunks on him for a variety of reasons. But mostly for that Challenger line, like what in the hell dude…

Jared Russo


An awful husband/person

The character: An awful husband/person

The plot: So many of Reddit’s “Am I The Asshole” posts have gone viral that you’d think by now it’d be impossible to shock us. Nope — this is a level of assholery that, judging by Twitter’s reaction, few people have previously encountered.

In the post, a woman writes about receiving an extortionate hospital bill ($8,000 after insurance) following the birth of her three-month-old baby. She goes on to say that her husband — who contributed to half of said baby’s existence, AND didn’t have to give birth to it — told her she should pay the full amount, for being a “princess” and for needing the “luxury” of an epidural during the delivery.

Sorry, I need a minute.

It’s truly despicable behavior — and to make matters worse, the OP says she went ahead and paid the full amount herself. How could she even consider that she could be the asshole in this situation?

The repercussion: People on Twitter shared the same opinion as us: her husband is the worst, and the way he’s treating her is 100 percent divorce-worthy. (That, and: why the hell does America make people pay to give birth?)

Darcy Jimenez


Read the previous edition of our One Main Character column, which included a woman oblivious about her hot husband, the Mayor of Gotham returning to our column and a Kentucky Fried Chicken gimmick that the Internet thinks it's time to retire.

Did we miss a main character from this week? Please send tips to [email protected].


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