A Guy Who's Still Harping On About Women Belonging In The Kitchen, And More Of This Week's 'One Main Character'

A Guy Who's Still Harping On About Women Belonging In The Kitchen, And More Of This Week's 'One Main Character'
We've also got a reporter who thinks he's outsmarted AI with the most edgy take on freedom of speech and an internet commentator unnecessarily picking on a celebrity.
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Every day somebody says or does something that earns them the scorn of the internet. Here at Digg, as part of our mission to curate what the internet is talking about right now, we rounded up the main characters on Twitter from this past week and held them accountable for their actions.

This week’s characters include an absurd take on Madonna, a reporter who has the most twisted ideas about AI and a conservative commentator who loves to think inside the box.


Matt Walsh

The character: Matt Walsh, right-wing commentator, anti-LGBT asshole, Victorian-era husband

The plot: This “women belong in the kitchen” take from conservative douchebag Matt Walsh isn’t new or surprising in its stupidity, but it did receive a lot of well-deserved backlash — plus it’s always nice to see a shitty person being taken down a peg — and so it has earned its place on this week’s list.

The repercussion: People on Twitter — who have caught on to the new-fangled trend of women not existing to serve men — set Walsh straight.

And shout-out to Roland for his wonderfully wholesome response:

Darcy Jimenez


Aaron Sibarium

The character: Aaron Sibarium, reporter, hypothetical thinker, AI skeptic

The plot: Sibarium loves a good situation. Even better if it involves an outlandish scenario that sounds like it came straight off the top of a teenager who's trying to score contrarian points in an intro to ethics class. He asked ChatGPT if it was okay to use a racial slur if it was the only way to stop the apocalypse, which in his fantasy world is a nuclear bomb. ChatGPT is still mostly a joke and game with immense potential for good, but Sibarium's hot take is quite spark-less.

It's going to be interesting how far ChatGPT discourse will be taken, but considering things can get out of hand quickly, and Microsoft betting big on it, things should move quick.

The repercussion: People still have the energy to clown a ridiculous take on AI. So looks like Sibarium gets to be written in the history book of fools, because you know someone is going to pull off a variation of this exact tweet in 12 months.


Adwait Patil


Layah Heilpern

The character: Layah Heilpern, Madonna hater, has a hot mom

The plot: So Madonna showed up to the Grammy’s looking… different, but she’s earned the right to do whatever the hell she wants at this point in her life. Unlike other artists who also go through complete transformations, she hasn't been accused or gotten in trouble for doing terrible things. So yes, she clearly had some work done, but like, who cares? Leave her be. And then, there was this tweet.

The repercussion: Cool, you have a hot mom, congrats. Does that mean you have to insult Madonna, who is arguably a big target and is easily memeable? No. Does that mean you have to do a weird creepy tweet promoting your mom as a MILF? Also no! Sometimes you can just simply say nothing. Or stick to making fun of Madonna in another, funnier way, perhaps. I don’t know, just a thought.

Jared Russo


Read the previous edition of our One Main Character column, which included a pro basketball player who's a NIMBY and a newspaper that decided to provoke Italians.

Did we miss a main character from this week? Please send tips to [email protected].

[Image by Freepik]


  1. John Doe 1 year ago

    Is Layah claiming that her mother has never gotten any work done?

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