yet another milkshake duck

A Disrespectful Husband, And More Of This Week's 'One Main Character'

A Disrespectful Husband, And More Of This Week's 'One Main Character'
If you don't want New Yorkers to come for you, don't come for Queens and Harlem.
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Every day, somebody says or does something that earns them the scorn of the internet. Here at Digg, as part of our mission to curate what the internet is talking about right now, we rounded up the main characters on Twitter from this past week and held them accountable for their actions.

This week, we've got a husband who thinks it's okay to trick his vegetarian wife into eating meat, a fashion TikToker with a bad take and someone who did not deserve a trip to Kyoto.


Kristina Avakyan

The character: @SubwaySessions, hypebeast, TikToker, annoying Downtowner

The plot: The first rule of the internet is that if you’re putting yourself out there for the world to see, there better not be dumb stuff you’ve done in the past that you haven’t already apologized for. Once you’re in the clear there, all you have to do is continue to stay out of trouble by not saying stupid sh—t.

Kristina Avakyan, a TikToker, went viral on Twitter after users discovered her Subway fit check videos, which one can safely say are quite left-field, even for Downtown Manhattan. Avakyan was naturally interviewed by NY Mag, and in the chat she berated both Queens and Harlem (yikes), saying that they just don’t get her vision, and that she’s grateful to be living in the Lower East Side, where they do.

Taking shots at Queens and Harlem in the same breath, just to defend your TikTok gimmick? Welcome to NY, prepare to get chewed out.

The repercussion: Has there ever been a quicker milkshake duck? Can't say for sure, because this one was self-inflicted.

Adwait Patil



The character: @p8stie, Twitter user, entitled traveller

The plot: On Tuesday, @p8stie shared a video on Twitter captioned, "My final consensus on Kyoto, Japan," which consisted solely of her complaining about the city.

"In general, I am super disappointed in Kyoto — I thought this would be a traveller's dream," she says. "In reality, all I see in Japan so far is a scene that looks like something in north Alabama."

The repercussion: There's a possibility this is a bit, given some of the other, bizarre tweets on @p8stie's page — but either way, people on Twitter weren't happy.

Darcy Jimenez



The character: @spacepanty, person in STEM, well adjusted IRL but not online

The plot: The crossover from Twitter being a magnetic, good place to see wacky takes into a playground for faceless, LinkedIn cosplayers to try and rile people up has been completed. Name- and face-less account @spacepanty recently tweeted how all their STEM bro friends, past the age of 30, are better than the "humanities" majors they've known.

Taking wanton shots at humanities majors is very 2000-and-late, @spacepanty. That's all I can say.

Moral of the story: keep the LinkedIn-type stuff for LinkedIn, or in your drafts, otherwise people will come at you — because the "humanities vs STEM" debate, or whatever you want to call it, will never die.

Adwait Patil


The Meat Teacher

The character: The Meat Teacher, guy who cooks meat, bad husband

The plot: A guy who cooks meat on TikTok under the name The Meat Teacher shared a video of him tricking his vegetarian wife into eating French fries cooked in beef tallow. In the clip, he tells her they’re cooked in almond oil, and has their kids go along with the prank.

The repercussion: Most of the people that responded to the above tweet were shocked to see a husband violate his wife’s boundaries and show such little regard for her beliefs, all the while relishing in doing so. Others were more disturbed to see him encouraging the children to lie to and disrespect their mom. Gross.

Darcy Jimenez


Read the previous edition of our One Main Character column, which featured someone who's super pro-eye surgery, a controversial take on the world's greatest band and Andrew Tate fans exhibiting big loser behavior (what's new?).


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