This Reddit Thread Of Overpriced Things That People Still Buy Will Have You Questioning Human Logic

This Reddit Thread Of Overpriced Things That People Still Buy Will Have You Questioning Human Logic
There are some things for sale today that cost considerably more than they have any right to. Here's a roundup of the worst offenders from a viral Reddit thread.
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It is often said that a fool and his money are soon parted, but with the cost of living on the rise, you might find it hard to avoid spending an arm and leg for a lot of seemingly mundane things that are marked up beyond reason.

Redditor hommedefer asked the internet about the things that people are spending way too much on commensurate to the items' actual value. The post received over 33,000 replies, with responses that spanned the gauntlet from slightly overpriced to highway robbery.

Here were a few of our favorite answers from the thread that might leave you feeling penny-wise and pound foolish.

Printer Ink


Anything For A Wedding

Real Estate

Beer At Sporting Events


College Textbooks


Bottled Water


Popcorn At The Movies

Anything At Disney Theme Parks


[Read more about things that are clearly overpriced]


  1. john cantrall 2 years ago

    Pro sports players and coaches signing contracts for millions

  2. Tba 1 2 years ago

    Boxed cereal, pizza, burritos, potato chips...

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